My brother Steve-missed by Paul and by all of us.

He was born on July 21, 1948, a little over a year after I was born. So we were close. It was just the two of us until Darrel came along on a snowy night in February in 1951.

I remember us looking at him in my mother's bed and discussing when his eyes would open (like baby puppies we had seen).

Steve was always faster than me. Mom said that he had started walking at eight or nine months when it took me well over a year. He just threw caution to the wind and took off running. He wasn't shy either like I was. But we had a close bond.

We played together in the yard (Paul, Darrel, and Steve-picture 1950's) until he got older and more into sports while I was more into nature. We had a lot of fun getting into mischief together with Mr. Frank our neighbor-something we would often talk about when we grew up.

So serious! Click to enlarge.

I went off to the seminary. He finished high school and joined the Army. When I came back from the seminary, and he came back from Korea, I had learned how to play the guitar, and we would sing together. I could play much better than I could sing.

He could sing really well and had a beautiful voice. I realy enjoyed the times we spent together singing and making up songs. I only wish that I could have played better in the style of music that he sang. I was more into folk music, and he was into popular music.

Although I didn't get to spend the time I had hoped to spend with him singing and making music together after I retired, I am still confident that we will sing together again one day.

We had a good time singing in that back the early 1970's. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Steve with Connie at her high school graduation - looking good as usual. If somebody was crazy enough to mess with Connie, they would have to deal with Steve, and he knew how to take care of himself.
Two brothers reflecting on the solid concrete porch in which their iron bed is encased. I am as old as the dark cedar- my fist Christmas tree. Steve is wearing Darrel's clothes.