According to the 1910 Census - Felicien Simien (age 48) was head of household, and he was a farmer. He had been married for 25 years to his wife Alewry?, M,R? (should be Azelie) who was age 40. The census indicates that they had a total of 11 children and only 5 were alive. Joseph his son (age 15) works as a farm hand. He has a daughter Elizabeth (age 11) living in the house and another son Simon (age 8). The other two children have moved to "town" Opelousas . Eva (my grandmother-age 25) is renting a house on Grolee St. and her sister Lydia (age 20) is living in the same house with her two children Christopher and Allen. This information is on two census pages which can be found here and here. A closeup with comments can be found here.
1910 blank census for reference