The Last Will and Testament of Antoine Simien

This information is provided to the La. Genealogy Project African American Archives by The
Castleman Law Firm, Pleasanton, Ca. (

Submitted to the LAGenWeb Archives
Copyright. All rights reserved.

On the 25th of October 1791 at the demand of Messer. Antoine Simian, Merchant resident in the
military post, we Nicolas Forstall, Regent of New Orleans, Civil and Military Commander of
this post, went at Antoine's home and he appeared to us, however he was sick, of good mind,
memory and intelligence. And he wants to, previous to the hour of his death, and he was
afraid to die without disposing of the little he owned and that God gave him, and he felt well to
dictate and sound to us to command his last will and testament, in the presence of the witnesses:
Messer. Francois Siriod, Jean Pousary, et Francois Brun.

1) Like a true Christian and Catholic he gives up the ghost to the name of God the father, the son
and the holy spirit, and he implores the good divinity and Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin
and St. Antoine and all saints to place him in paradise with the Blessed.

2) He wants that the executor of his will to pay all his debts. 3) He wishes and requests that his
body be buried in the cemetery of his parish, and the executor can make his funeral in the way
that he judges decent or correct.

4) He gives $10 to the Church to make a mass for the eternal rest of his soul.

5) He gives to his negress Marie who he liberated from slavery, all the land with all buildings
that he possessed in this post, as well as the furniture of his home and all his clothes, without

6) He gives to the mulatto Louis, son of the negress Marie, age two years old, and little negro
Antoine age 5 years old, who is also the son of Marie, and Marie cannot in any way sell or
alienate the little negro Antoine, and the mulatto Louis can dispose of Antoine when of age and
the law will permit him. And, he will stay here in the care and service of Marie.

And for the other property, buildings, furniture, he gives them without reserve or exception to
Louis Rideau, resident of this post, his dear friend who he named executor of his will and his
sole legatee, and Louis Rideau can dispose to his benefit or can return them to my parents in
Marseille in the parish of St. Jean. And that Antoine declares that all his property are the product
of his work, and industry and which come in no manner from his father or mother, Etttienne
Simian & Marie Greniere, because instead of receiving from them he has helped them in their
needs since his activities and economy have giving him the means. It was ordered by Antoine
that we, the Commander, the negress and all others, do before each other agree that this is his
last will and testament and that we read it to him twice and he acknowledge hearing it. This will
is written at the home of Antoine Simian and he signed it with his mark, in the presence of
witnesses who signed the will on the 25th of October, 1791.