NCHS Honors Coach "Butch" Fontenot

Coach and his 500 cake Valentine's Day was a special day for Coach Clarence "Butch" Fontenot, head basketball coach at NCHS. At 1:30 P.M. he was treated to a reception in the cafeteria where a feast had been prepared in his honor. Coach Fontenot stood in front of a large table beautifully decorated with red Valentine's Day balloons and ribbons and a large cake with the candles shaped in the number 500 on top of it. The candles were lit, and Coach blew them out while everone cheered and applauded.

After the reception was over with, everyone went to the auditorium for an assembly in honor of Coach Fontenot. Coach sat centerstage in a lighted rattan chair with guest speakers and presenters on each side, and the stage had been beautifully decorated for Valentine's Day. Highlights of the assembly included several selections sung by Kevin Winbush, a tribute by Girls' Basketball Coach Linda Haynes, and a sincere and sometimes humorous "roast" by retired assistant coach, Huey Hawkins, who explained why he called Coach Fontenot "Shaq Bully."

Special presentations were given to Coach Fontenot by Mr. Jimmy Prados, Supervisor of Physical Education, his wife, Ruby Fontenot, and Principal Raymond Duplechain. Closing comments were given by Coach Bobby Jack Fontenot, Athletic Director at NCHS, Principal Duplechain, and Superintendent Ryan Fontenot. Finally, Coach Fontenot took the podium amidst appluase and cheers expressing his gratitude to all, appreciation to his wife for her support and patience, and an announcement that basketball practice would be on schedule at 2:45 P.M. immediately after the assembly.

Congratulations to Coach Clarence "Butch" Fontenot on achieving this milestone of 500 wins in his coaching career and much continued success to him in the future. He is truly a remarkable person who bears his honors with grace and humility. Thanks to Principal Raymond Duplechain and Mrs. Marie Bush for an excellent program.