St. Landry Parish STAR Events |
On December 11, 1997, the North Central High School Future Homemakers of America hosted the St. Landry Parish STAR (Students Taking Action for Recognition) Events. The first place winners were Job Interview Junior Division, Brittany Eades, Beau Chene High; Job Interview Senior Division, Naomi Dekerlegand, Beau Chene High; Energy Education Senior Division, Ragean Quebedeaux, Beau Chene High; Energy Education Junior Division, Kim Ortego, Beau Chene High; Yam Contest Senior Division, Barbara Casey, North Central High. FHA advisors preparing students for competition were Pearl Wyble - Beau Chene High, Karla Miller - Port Barre High, Martha Gunter - Opelousas Sr. High, and Joyce L. Hayes, coordinator - North Central High. Students were awarded ribbons, certificates, and trophies. Special thanks to our parish judges for the STAR Events and Yvonne L. Normand, St. Landry Parish Tech Prep Program Manager.