1997 FFA Awards Banquet
by Hals Beard
FFA members why are we here? "To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess." This was the response as Chad Baham, President of the North Central FFA, opened the 7th Annual FFA Awards Banquet. All members were anxious to hear if their name would be called. On May 2, 1997, North Central recognized its members for their accomplishments during the year.
The program opened with a prayer by Steven Jackson, FFA member, followed by a welcome from Ashley Kennison, FFA sweetheart. Guest speaker for the evening was Ashley Leboeuf, State FFA Reporter. She encouraged all present to strive to be their best. Tiffany Popps, FFA secretary presented a summary of the year's events followed by the awards ceremony. Contest participation awards were presented in the areas of Dairy Cattle, Dairy Products, Floriculture, Public Speaking, Horse Judging, Livestock Judging, Poultry Judging, Small Engines, Soil Judging, Welding and Electricity. Mr. Beard and Mr. Richard, FFA advisors, recognized students who excelled and qualified for state and/or national competition. Winners included:
Livestock Exhibition - Chad Baham and Jonathan Beard
Literary Rally - Chad Baham
Welding Team - 1st Area, Matthew Pickett and Joshua Guillory
Floriculture Team - 3rd Area, 7th State - Tiffany Popps, Ashley Kennison, and Steven Jackson
Land Judging Team - 4th State, National Competition - Matthew Pickett, Chad Baham, Joe Ardoin, and Rusty Guillory
The final awards were the "Star" Awards presented to outstanding FFA members. Ag I- Guy Johnson, STAR GREENHAND and 'Ag II- Rusty Guillory, STAR FARMER. All officers were presented with awards for their year's service to the FFA. At the close of the banquet Chad, FFA President, presented Mr/Mrs. Hals Beard with a plaque in honor of 4 years assistance given in FFA and livestock exhibition. The meeting was adjourned after closing ceremonies by the 1996-97 officers which included Chad Baham- President, Jason Hutchins- Vice President, Tiffany Popps- Secretary, Joe Ardoin- Treasurer, Rusty Guillory- Reporter, Bryant Tyler-Sentinel and Hals Beard , Francis Richard- Advisors.